Enhancing Humanitarian Procurement

Eliminate risks as if they’d never existed.

Traditional humanitarian procurement processes are heavily reliant on rigid controls and documentation requirements, yet they continue to fall victim to widespread fraud and corruption. Despite segregating approvals, setting purchase thresholds, and meticulously reviewing invoices, organizations still hemorrhage billions of dollars annually due to graft and malpractice.

The status quo is clearly insufficient. Organizations need a more proactive and comprehensive solution to safeguard their procurement activities. This is where ChainsBerg’s innovative approach stands out. Rather than focusing narrowly on post-facto reviews, ChainsBerg embeds controls and monitoring throughout the entire procurement lifecycle – from initial market research to final delivery and payment.

You drive; we pave the way ahead.

Exceptional Services

Our services are market driven. They are tailored to NGOs dynamics and their needs. 

At ChainsBerg, we believe that comprehensive market research and proactive measures are the keys to optimizing procurement outcomes. Unlike traditional methods, we provide unparalleled services that empower purchasers to make informed decisions within the market’s price range. By identifying interested suppliers, assessing risks, and conducting cost and price analyses, we help our customers reduce purchasing costs, increase transparency, and enhance their reputation.

Market Research

Carry out quick and effective market research to understand the risks and price bottom lines of products you are going to purchase

Delivery Inspection

Assign an expert and independent team to inspect the pre/post shipment of contracted goods and services to minimize the risk of nonconformities

Supplier Vetting

Do you have worries about your suppliers? Have you verified their existence and viability? We got your back.

Unlock countless opportunities to accelerate your business

Features of Our Services

Why Choose Us?

We will make a significant decline in your supply chain risks appetite and deliver the most desirable outcomes. We are willing to take many hazards away from the humanitarian organizations plate, especially when it comes to reaching risky areas in Syria. 

Innovative strategies

Our strategy is built on deploying specific tools and controls to each procurement stage, starting with market research in the pre-tender stage and ending with delivery and invoicing in the contracting stage.

Results-Oriented Solutions

We aim at reducing the cost of goods and services purchased by humanitarian agencies through doing the due market assessment and analysis and through reducing the risks of fraud and corruption. We have already identified cost drivers and issues and risks in the humanitarian context in North Syria.

Transparency and Integrity

Integrity: Our Most Valuable Asset
At ChainsBerg, integrity is our paramount priority. As an independent supply chain solutions provider, we deliver our services through transparent and accountable channels.