What We Do

While NGOs focus on their regular procurement activities, we simultaneously conduct several measures to mitigate risks of cost increase, supplier collusion, conflict of interest and many others. 
Review our most recently conducted
risk assessment.

Market Research

Our sourcing service is customized based on the clients’ demands. We have already identified suppliers providing products and services for the targeted business. Our top priority is to secure the lowest price with the highest quality products.

  • Product sourcing
  • Historic prices
  • Quick reach
  • Supplier engagement
  • Market trends

Many factors and variables affect the price of products and services provided to humanitarian organizations. During our souring and market research activities, we analyse what drives the cost for suppliers and provide a solid base for NGOs for supplier negotiations.

  • Payment terms and schedule
  • Currency effects
  • Transportation and risks during the process
  • Maintenance, warranty, and substitution
  • Procurement process complexity

Identify the risks that may accompany a procurement process prior to initiating it, design convenient solutions, and monitor implementation effects.

    • Products availability
    • Supplying disruption
    • Aid diversion
    • Market risk assessment
    • Market trends

Delivery Inspection

Supplier Vetting

The suppliers’ diversity is an advantage for you but who knows, you may enter into an agreement with a poor reputation supplier who may delay or deliver low-quality supplies to your business.

  • Challenges identification
  • Audit program
  • Performance history
  • Supplier risk assessment
  • Fraud/Scam prevention

The in-depth verification procedure will ensure the suitability of the supplier for contracting. Companies are keeping losing cash resulted from supplier fraud and scams.

  • Audited financial statements
  • Staff skills
  • Quality control
  • Inventory & storage
  • Financial viability

Our program is designed to meet non-for-profit compliance obligations as well. Our team is well-qualified with public and different non-profit donor regulations.

  • Legal status
  • Data Protection
  • Environmental
  • Preventive controls
  • ISO certifications