About Us

Our passion is towards sustainable procurement, green life, and women empowerment.

What We're All About

Our mission is to improve business practices. ChainsBerg has been inspired by business needs and eagerness towards finding solutions for emerging issues. The instant and reliable response you can depend on.

Our Vision

Who We Are

ChainsBerg is a group of enthusiasts towards business improvement.

Our team consists of specialists in many job categories. The procurement and sourcing function cannot succeed without being compliant with local and international standards and regulations. Our decisions are risk-informed as our safety and security expert is always observing the area of operations.

What you will get

What you will get rid of

  • Fast and Reliable Processes
  • Audit Trail
  • Transparency
  • Orders Real-Time Follow-Up
  • Procurement and Spend Analysis
  • Supplier Fraud
  • Delays and Errors
  • Currency Exchange Loss
  • Security Risks
  • Cash Carrying and Usage